Friday, April 8, 2011

Got Muscle?

Okay, there you go, I know I promised a tricep shot, but I opted for more bicep tonight. The tri's will have to wait. My trainer in Gold's Gym, Shayne Norton, was giving me a very brief intro to posing this afternoon so I was having a little fun. I l-o-v-e muscle.

The firm where I work surprised us and let us off work two hours early today because the sun came out in Seattle.  I left there and went to work in the gym, not caring about being in the sun. I was looking more forward to my leg session! Leg day is always fierce and today I did heavy squats. I'm up to 185lbs. now and Shayne promises me I'll be squatting over 200lbs. like some of my fierce girlfriends are doing.  Unless I knew they were able to do it, I would never imagine that I could squat that much weight, but I will do it someday and can't wait for that day! Having extra time to spend in the gym is like putting me in a candy shop. Those two hours sped by. After my leg workout, I did my third prescribed cardio session of 30 minutes and then I finished off with four sets to failure of wide grip pull-ups. That was not easy. My leg workouts kick my butt, but I always challenge myself to do a little bit more so I can get a little bit more.

Today Ruben, my nutritionist from Fit To Be In Your Kitchen, changed up my nutrition plan to include more fat and dinner tonight that was nothing short of heavenly. I got to eat real butter!

Sweet potato
Broccoli with parmesan cheese
White fish
Butternut Squash with a pat of butter
Small apple

That is muscle food! It may look like a lot, but my body incinerated that quickly and it's a good thing that it's almost time for my casein shake because I feel like I could eat that plate of food all over again!

Now it's rest and recovery time and ohhhhh, it feels so good after accomplishing good work!

1 comment:

  1. Great work Bekah... You are doing great!... so inspiring... ~ Dee (Sparkpeople aka JAZZID)
