Sunday, April 10, 2011

Obstacles...take a hike!

We all have someone we look up to, someone who inspires us to be better and greater than ourselves, someone who has the body type we want. I regularly talk to a group of women who inspire and motivate me every day. A few of them write regular blogs that I follow. They are warriors, challenging themselves physically, always stepping up to the mental challenges that come with taking their bodies to new heights. These women are celebrities in my eyes and someday may be famous.

My famous celebrity inspiration is Pauline Nordin. I like her attitude, determination and mental focus. I like what she's done with her body, where she started and where she is now. Although her body rocks, I admire her more for her set mind toward what she wants. One of my friends described her perfectly as 'she is stop your whining and squat kind of girl!' I'm learning that's what I need to be a competitor. Knowing what I want, setting a goal, setting a date and working toward it with 100% of everything I have. That means consulting the experts, doing the training correctly, eating right, resting right and keep plowing forward no matter what! Obstacles will come! Obstacles have already shown up for me in the few short weeks since I've set my goal for competing. What do I do? I again and again refocus and set my mind on my goal, what's ahead and brush off the small stuff. What does it really matter in the grand scheme of things? Will I let obstacles stop me from reaching my dream? NO!

Pauline, I want to meet you someday!


  1. Do it girl! You got the right stuff to go all the way! Now, be a sweety and go lift something heavy!

  2. Right attitude! Now, go conquer the world!
